We’re picking up STEAM! Adventure awaits those who love to learn.
Visit us where today’s technology meets old fashioned fun!
Catch Adventure!
Who’s Dying to be a Millionaire
What’s in the Tackle Box

Up in the Tree
Look up! In our authentic, hand-crafted treehouse, kids find the perfect place to play, enjoy good reads, and plant the seeds for lifelong learning. more

Get Cookin’
Our kitchen offers a place for hands-on learning with fresh foods, time-tested recipes, proven culinary techniques, and fun treats. more

Let’s Lego
Our giant Lego® wall in Karla Corner lets kids of all ages build from our very own “Tackle boxes” or design and create structures from their imaginations. more

Tech Time
We’re preparing kids for the future. Our tech team teaches students about evolving technology and enables hands-on, digital experiences. more

Karla Corner
Children learn through play and hands-on activities. Karla Corner provides materials that meet all children’s educational, social, and emotional needs. more
News and Notes?
Tackle Box Hours
Week of January 27th – February 2nd
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: 9:30 – 1:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 – Noon
Friday: **** 7:00 – 10:00 AM *Sweet Fridays will meet this week.
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
Quiet Hours for students (Grades 5-12) are still available Monday and Wednesday 3:00-5:00 pm. by appointment. Please email thetacklebox89@gmail.com to schedule a time.

Our Home in Hooversville
In Hooversville, we’re known for our “mine and mill” forged work ethic, tight-knit families, and tenacious perseverance. As industries have disappeared and given way to new technologies and innovations, our neighbors struggle to continue our proud way of life. But the heart and strength of our region are alive and well. In our town, people call one another by name; we help in times of triumph and tragedy. The Tackle Box is proud to call Hooversville home and boldly move forward to provide families with fun, adventure, and opportunity. Together we’ll learn, grow, and prepare for our bright future.